Braswell Construction Group / Home Builder in Covington, Georgia

Address: 6105 Emory St NW, Covington, GA, 30014 -
Platinum accredited top Georgia Roofer, Braswell Construction Group (BCG) is an award-winning, full-service Commercial & Residential Roofing & Restoration company. BCG focuses on all styles of roofing, ie. cedar shake, slate, metal, synthetic shake (DaVinci, Brava & CeDUR), slate tile and standard asphalt shingles. BCG has been locally owned and operated since 2002, and prides itself on its high-quality craftsmanship, exceptional customer service, and professional acumen. We have extensive knowledge when it comes to Insurance claims and the claim process, we are here to help and to insure that our clients get fully covered for their loss. Braswell Construction Group operates from four Georgia locations to service homeowners with all their roofing and restoration needs in Covington/Conyers, Stone Mountain, Atlanta, Greensboro/Lake Oconee, and their respective surrounding areas.


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